Super Mario Bros. Wonder is enjoyable even when you are all alone in your gaming experience, but many players want their friends or families to join them in gaming sessions. Thankfully, the game can support four people in playing together, cooperating, and exploring the worlds and courses of being together. One of the players will be officially recognized as the leader. The game chooses the leader by default, though you can pick another person as the leader.
In this guide, you will be told how to switch who the leader is in Super Mario Bros Wonder, how the leader system works, and why you may want to change the leader.
How to Change the Leader While Playing Co-op in Super Mario Bros Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder doesn’t just enable you to watch the specific character you want to become the leader and then have that character win directly with the press of a button. But if you want to know some of the strategies you can use to switch the leader during a level or determine who will become a leader in the next course, then there are a few of them.
Going into “Ghost Mode”
The easiest way to change a leader is to persuade the current leader to transform himself into a ghost. You can do this by pressing the L and R buttons at the same time. When a leader does that, he loses his crown and becomes a ghost hovering over the screen.
At that point, the leader’s crown will be transferred to any of the remaining living players. If it has not switched to the right one, repeat the ghost method until you get the leader you need. You then have to get the touch of the ghost or ghosts to bring them back to play the game. Of course, the ghosts are allowed only 5 seconds of touching and reviving a team member before they die and lose their lives.
Intentionally Losing a Life
If someone doesn’t want to be the leader or you want to switch to another player, tell the existing leader to do something that will make him go for a life on purpose. They can achieve this by leaping into a hole or running into enemies or other barriers, such as spikes.
This method functions approximately similarly to the ghost method. When the leader loses a life, his crown is transferred to another player at the front, and a live position is assigned to the bonder player.
Reaching the Highest Point on the Flag Pole
This method will not enable you to replace the current leader for whichever course you play. But it does let you choose who will be the leader during your next stage. It’s simply to go through the course and then lure your preferred leader into jumping to the highest peak of the flag pole.
So long as the chosen leader climbs a higher part of the flag pole than the rest of the players, he will get the crown in the next course. The game employs the flag pole positions to decide who amongst them should be the leader.
Grabbing a Royal Seed
A royal seed will drop to renew one of the Super Mario Bros. Wonder bosses. If grabbed by a player, this will make that player a leader or have a lead in the game being played. It doesn’t impact the change leaders at most levels, but it offers a means on those hard levels that do not involve the flag.
How the Leader System Works in Super Mario Bros. Wonder
When players co-op, this made Nintendo rewrite a leader or crown system, for example, in Super Mario Bros. Wonder to make a switch in the camera. In the previous games, when someone was out of shot, the camera would pull out and keep all the players on the screen in view if they were positioned right at the rightmost part of the screen. That system had its issues; you could just run, and some other players would struggle to catch up.
In SM of Wonder, the game itself has assigned a boss for the camera always to follow. Depending on the direction the players take, if they stand still or move backward, the camera will follow them while panning out to focus on the other players as they move on the map. The client who turns into a leader receives a crown symbol hovering above their avatar to help other members of the game understand his/her higher status.
How is the leader decided? Over the years, players have learned that the best player from the previous course is supposed to be the course leader in the next course. This is decided by choosing the player who reached the end of a course and managed to get further up on the flag pole.
If two or several players climb to the top pole, the game tends to click one of the players to become a leader.
Reasons Why You Might Want to Change the Leader
The technique of having a leader in Super Mario Bros. Wonder has advantages and disadvantages, which are explained below. But there are many reasons why you should wish to replace the leader with others while you play.
Playing With Children
The most frequent reason why players may wish to change their leader is if they are playing with young children. Many parents prefer to start their children with Mario World using Super Mario Bros. Wonder but do not wish their children to be allowed to control the game camera if they have no experience playing it.
The youngest participants may run away, leaving the others behind, and possibly struggle to get items and jump at the right time. They also can be more passive and reactive, often taking longer to make decisions and assess situations. It may feel like parents need a change and want themselves to become leaders to foster a positive playing environment for everyone.
Inexperienced Players or Those With Disabilities
It is, therefore, unsurprising that even young children may have certain difficulties in answering the Super Mario Bros.Wonder questionnaire, particularly the most challenging levels of and courses in this game. It can also confuse those who have not played such a game before and those with some disability. In this case, it is advisable to steer clear of having such a person as your partner’s lead since this will affect the sort of performance you will give.
Collecting Coins and Items
You may also need to realign yourself if you’re taking the courses solely to obtain coins and other artifacts.
More often than not, the more prolific players will try to assume the leadership role to get control of the camera and point out the collectibles’ location or how they can access certain platforms and sections. If some other person is a leader himself, then he or she can cut down some areas or miss some things.
Switch the Leader Whenever You Need
Swapping the leader in the Super Mario Bros. Wonder games co-op is not as simple as flipping a switch. However, as was mentioned throughout this guide, you can constantly manipulate the leader’s role or dictate who will wear the metaphorical crown on each level = in several ways.