We need a pie; that is a fact. As David Mamet said in the play Boston Marriage, stress disappears when a pie comes into the picture. The same thing goes for Minecraft. Pies are the best crafting option in the game because they are made up of growable products that players can quickly grow.
They may not be your real-life flavors of pie; however, the nutritional benefits they give your character while his/her stamina and health are reduced make them an excellent alternative for long journeys. To begin with, what are the steps to creating your Minecraft pie? Let’s get to it.
Minecraft Pie Making Guide
Pie in Minecraft generally refers to pumpkin pie. It is the most well-known recipe in the game, and Halloween is nearly here, so there’s no better way to get drunk than to bake one for yourself. Baking is a perfect time for pumpkin pies and wine.
Ingredients Needed:
- 1 Pumpkin
- 1 Sugar
- 1 Egg
Steps to Make Pumpkin Pie:
1. Procure a Pumpkin: Pumpkins grow naturally everywhere, and villagers may have piles. Taiga and snowy Taiga are the primary homes of pumpkins, and you can also find them in jungles or villages. You can obtain the pumpkin block using any tool, although an axe is the quickest.
2. Planting Pumpkins: You can only grow them by bone meal bombs.
- First, break a pumpkin block to get slices. Place the slices on a crafting table, and you will get seeds.
- How to do it: till the land and water it after digging a hole in the dirt and pouring some water in.
- Then, use a hoe to till the dirt around the water block changes a bit darker.
- The patch of soil should always be wet when you sow the pumpkin seeds.
- The stem grows after putting them in the ground, and pumpkins appear on adjacent blocks.
- It should go without saying that there has to be at least one clear block in the area where the pumpkin grows.
- Smash a pumpkin block on its slice retrieval.
- On a crafting table or take your seeds from the powers of your meats and petals, you enjoy the flavor and try to find a slice if you want to create seeds in your inventory.
- Lead the land into short work with a shovel you made yourself by digging a hole in the dirt and filling it with water.
- Take your home and work around the entire block with dry. As time goes on, the dirt will change color and turn dark.
- Water the soil and plant the pumpkin seeds. When finished with planting, the stem will develop and start producing pumpkins on the next block.
3. Remark: Make sure that one of the pieces of land is open for the pumpkin to grow on.
4. Collect Sugar: Sugar Canes are obtained from water and grown in sandy places in the game’s various biomes.
5. Get an Egg: One way to collect eggs is to hang around a chicken until it lays one. There is no need to kill the chicken.
6. Craft the Pumpkin Pie: Begin by opening the crafting table or your inventory. Next, Get the ingredients in a 3×3 crafting grid. Achieve the item by putting the pumpkin in one slot.
- Place the pumpkin in one slot.
- Add sugar in another slot.
- Place the egg in the remaining slot.
- The pumpkin pie will appear craftable and ready to be stored in your inventory.
How to Make Apple Pie in Minecraft
Though Minecraft—at least not in the official edition—does not technically feature apple pie, creating a similar pie using modded game versions is possible.
Steps to Make Apple Pie:
Find Apples: Deliver them to the nearest supermarket, as apples, whether popular or less widespread, can only be harvested at the right time of the year.
Craft the Apple Pie: Please start by setting up your crafting grid. Align one apple, sugar, and egg in the direction of the pie of the pump. When you’re done typing this, it should show that an apple has been created. If the process works, the end product will appear in your inventory. Tame the pie as you wish to eat it later.
- Open your crafting grid.
- Place 1 apple, one sugar, and one egg in a row following the same sequence as for pumpkin pie.
- An apple pie will appear in your crafting result slot if done correctly.
- Store the apple pie in your inventory for later consumption.
Enjoy Your Pie in Minecraft
Pies in Minecraft are pretty simple to make as they require only the most essential resources obtained in the game.
They are widespread and can be customized to get various tastes and features by inserting additional things. We hope this guide was helpful to you in learning how to cook a pie in Minecraft. Remember to keep catching more game-related info by checking our socials!